These two make me laugh every day.  It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me, but those stories have no place here in a cat diary. 

I’ve been trying to get Rudy interested in watching fish or birds or something on the television or computer for years. He’s not interested. Rosie was almost interested, but it was short-lived. Last night, I was watching television and Rudy decided that he wasn’t getting enough attention, so he jumped on top of the bookcase right underneath the TV and started pawing at the screen. I yelled at him and we went to bed. 

He did it again this morning, so I found some channels on YouTube with things that cats like to watch and he was hooked. He sat up there watching birds, mice, bugs, squirrels, rats, fish, snakes, and cat toys for a half hour. Jerry the Mouse was his favorite. 

Rosie? Oh, Rosie. She first noticed the movement in the reflection in the glass across the room and that’s where she focused for most of the next 30 minutes. I picked her up and carried her to the bookcase, placed her on top, and pointed at the screen, but she kept looking at the reflection. She’s so sweet and so pretty, but she’s so freaking dumb.